2024 Green Fees

Category Amount HST Total
9 Hole Green Fee $63.00 $8.19 $71.19
BBBBBWith 1/2 Cart* $79.00 $10.27 $89.27
BBBBBWith Full Cart $95.00 $12.35 $107.35
18 Hole Green Fee $95.00 $12.35 $107.35
BBBBBWith 1/2 Cart* $116.00 $15.08 $131.08
BBBBBWith Full Cart $137.00 $17.81 $154.81
Twilight Green Fee (After 3PM) $89.00 $11.57 $100.57

*Carts are charged by the seat. One person in one cart is considered to be half a cart. Two people in one cart is a full cart.

Call the Pro Shop (705) 445-3911 for more information and booking