
2024 Membership

Blue Mountain Golf … because some things are worth waiting for

Thank you for having expressed interest in joining Blue Mountain Golf and Country Club!

A Waiting List has been approved by the Board of Directors, the rules of which are as follows:

Those wishing to join the Wait List must complete a Wait List application form to be completed and returned together with the e-transfer of the $1000 deposit per applicant. The date and time of the e-transfer will determine your position on the Wait List. Upon receipt of your e-transfer deposit, you will be advised of your Wait List position.  

Please contact me, should you have any questions pertaining to the Wait List process.

Thank you,

Jim Malley
Membership & Facility Services Manager  705-445-3918 Ext 103

Established in 1964, Blue Mountain is a member owned semi-private golf club.

Our Investment in You – Our Golf

Our investment in you – Socially

Your Investment in Blue

Call Jim Malley at 705-445-3918 Ext 103 for membership information